Top Manufacturers of PPC Cement in India

Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) is one of the widely used cement in the world and is a type of Hydraulic cement that gets hard after reacting with water. It is made by heating up of raw materials which constitute primarily of limestone and secondary minerals like clay, coal, bauxite, etc. These materials are burnt at more than 600 centigrade and calcium sulfate is added to the powder as the further processing and made into a more fine powder which is called cement. Banshiwala is the Top Manufacturers of PPC Cement in India, and use the finest quality of materials for cement manufacturing. Our cement is widely known for its durability and strength and we have some of the best experts in the industry who holds years of experience in cement manufacturing. TYPES OF PPC CEMENT- TOP MANUFACTURERS OF PPC CEMENT IN INDIA There are majorly 5 types of portland cement:- Portland cement - That has 5% other materials and 95% pure portland. This is the most common cement available. Portland- compos...